The Art of Coaching

Life Coaching assists individuals in moving forward in a positive direction with regards to all areas of their lives. Through using a combination of cognitive psychological methods, the acknowledgment of our placement within the current cultural constructs and a variety of fun and explorative exercises, Life Coaching can help an individual begin creating movement in their lives. I focus on allowing what is naturally present within the individual to flow with greater ease, often assisting clients in connecting with their heartfelt dreams and building the road map to achieving these goals.
Life Coaching serves the client in uncovering their individual creativity; that internal force behind manifesting the life we desire. Through identifying fears, irrational beliefs and judgments, all ways individuals use to block themselves, we then place these within the cultural context in which they were learned. Forgiveness of self and others, as well as a release from these old blocks soon follows; a key element for healing personal blocks. Life Coaching is an experiential process of re-connecting you to the beauty of your spirit, your dreams, yours gifts and how best to express these parts of yourself in each area of your life via goal setting, visioning, and continuous accountability over time. Career, Physical Health, Finances, and Relationship are common foci for individuals looking to make improvements and growth in these areas of their lives.
My experience as a Coach over the past eighteen years has shown me that most change occurs over time. Change is a process, not an event, and why I encourage Clients to commit to a minimum of three to six months in order to do the basic work necessary to bring about the change and transformation they're seeking. In service to the Clients commitment, their full fee is paid up front in support of keeping them in the process of growth, where our egos can so often step in and sidetrack us, sometimes stopping us all together.
My work with businesses involves consulting on customer service, sales, and communication within each organization. From individuals to small teams, we work to up-level communication skills internally, between fellow employees, departments and management, as well as externally with customers. My coaching approach to sales training and customer service is done through the lens of serving clients and their needs via relationship building and genuine service with lasting results and positive organizational gains.

The Art of Living
This is a three, six, or nine-month package focused on conscious, aligned and authentic living, which includes four sixty to ninety-minute sessions per month, email access, and spot coaching when needed. This highly creative coaching experience is geared towards total transformation in both your personal and professional life.

Single Sessions
Over the course of eighteen years, I've learned as a coach, sometimes, a single session can be the most aligned action for shifting our thinking, our direction, or to help us clarify a current situation or challenge. Often times one coaching session brings the awareness needed to move forward and even heal an experience we're seeking to shift. And it can be the beginning of a new approach to living now.

Coaching For Writers
Writing can be an isolating experience, but it doesn't need to be. I work as a coach and accountability partner with writer's in setting up self-supportive writing practices, as well as looking at and working through various blocks that may be short-circuiting a writer's process. We set-up, over time, a writing practice that supports the writer in staying focused on a project, while honoring themselves and their lives. We often look to the irrational beliefs that keep writers from truly expressing their gifts. Additionally, I explore the various technical elements of writing such as theme, story arch, and character development, helping clients gain clarity, creative direction, and a renewed sense of possibility for their heartfelt dream projects and intended writing outcomes. I also work with writers on fiction and non-fiction work, as well as helping facilitators and doctoral level students clarify, develop, and execute larger writing projects. There is always a way back to the writing, and it is my joy to help my fellow writers get there with joy, grace, and inspiration.
Next Steps...
If you'd like to contact Barry to discuss any of the above services, please email him here: